The 2021 WCAIR begins!

Judging officials have arrived in their host cities and the 2021 UN World City AI Rankings have begun! The 2021 program includes some of the most impressive pilot projects we’ve seen yet, spread across a huge range of fields. Current pilot projects, in order of baseline score:

  • Singapore: Upgrading the Smartest City: a New Generation of Traffic Management
  • Beijing: Shining Dawn Air Quality Assessment Project
  • London: URLondon, an AI-Assisted Tourist Management System
  • Seattle: Thinkhub West, part of the Trans-American Data Pipeline Project
  • San Francisco: Health4All, a Municipal Public Sanitation Expansion
  • Austin: Thinkhub South, part of the Trans-American Data Pipeline Project
  • Tel Aviv: LaNua, Our Automated Roadway
  • Diamniadio: Senegal Shines Bright: New Industry, Fresh Air
  • Montréal: XPO21: Civic Maintenance and Infrastructure Oversight
  • Paris: SystèmeNous, AI Civic Architecture Tracking
  • Juinen: Untitled Oversight Project
  • Bangalore: LetsGo Blore, AI Unemployment Prevention Database
  • Toronto: 0 Public Transit Optimization Algorithm Project
  • New York: CityDreams AI Transit and Destination Mapping
  • Sydney: Municipal Harbor Regeneration Project, Phase 2
  • Seoul: Seonbaecar Joint Municipal Self-Driving Car Pilot Project
  • Stockholm: Alla+Svensk Municipal Translation Service
  • Berlin: Burgersrichtung Business Projekt
  • Nairobi: SafiNet Clean Food Database
  • Boston: Thinkhub East, part of the Trans-American Data Pipeline Project

Over the next weeks, the WCAIR Blog will be providing highlights of major developments in the rankings, and shining the spotlight on our competitor projects.

Weekly Spotlight

SafiNet Clean Food Database: Kenya’s thriving farming economy sees millions of tons of foodstuffs moved through Nairobi every year, but far too little of this output makes its way onto the tables of locals, driving up food prices. SafiNet uses AI technology to track food production, distribution and access in the greater Nairobi area, optimizing field-to-table service. The project aims to reduce food waste, lower local food prices, and ensure better returns for local and corporate farms.

Thinkhub East: The three Thinkhubs that compose the Trans-American Data Pipeline Project (TADP) are a direct response to the growing government dependence on corporate, instead of municipal data management and cloud computing in the United States. This tri-city collaboration project uses municipality resources to develop distributed data storage and cloud computing capabilities on municipal networks. Boston Thinkhub is dedicated to traffic management and pollution control in the Boston city harbor.